Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Getting the look – Garters 101

Garters 101

One of the reasons dancing has captivated an audience for years is the costuming. Whether it was in ancient Roman courts with long scarves trailing behind seductive beauties or in modern clubs where scantily clad performers keep patrons riveted to their barstools, the costumes worn play an intrical part in getting the dancers’ message across.

Lingerie prevails as the clothing of choice for most exotic dancers and nothing seems to grab a man’s attention like garters and hose. There is nothing sexy about pantyhose when held up next to a pair of black stockings suspended on the legs by short pieces of lace. The garment harkens back to early European days and was always the tantalizing piece of seduction needed to send a customer reeling.

Unfortunately, even for the modern-day girl, wearing a garter belt and hose properly is a daunting task. Unless you have a pair of extra hands available, putting them on for the first time can be a bit tricky. Once mastered, it is an invaluable piece of clothing, especially for dancers. First of all, invest in a good piece of lingerie. You don’t want to be in the middle of a pole dance and pop a suspender. The garter belt itself should fit snugly around your waist when snapped in place, but not so tight you can’t breath. It should rest just on your hipbones with the lace panel in front covering your abdomen.

There are four suspenders, two in front and two in the back. Gather one stocking in your hand, roll it down to the toe and slip your foot in, sliding the hose up your leg until it comes to rest on your thigh. The back suspender should be hooked into place first by sliding the hose material between the metal eye of the hook and the rubber gripper. Push the gripper and hose material into the eye and then slide up, capturing the fabric in a hold between the two hook pieces. Repeat with the front suspender. This does take some practice so until you are comfortable with them, avoid trying to wear the hose with a back seam. It will be crooked and look unattractive; try these once you are masterful at wearing garters.

Stockings and belts add an extra bit of sex appeal to your costume. Always remember to put your panties on last over the belt; otherwise, you will be unhooking the whole garment each time you need to use the restroom. The hooks will come undone and it can be disastrous. The most important thing to remember is to have fun and take good care of your investment!

garter belt


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